CRM’s and digital donor journeys | Dreamscape Solutions

CRM’s and digital donor journeys

Most NFP organisations are not utilising vanguard web technologies

Please mind the gap!

As the insuppressible advancement of digital technology continues to define how big business attracts, engages and retains their consumers, you may be left wondering how your NFP organisation can keep up?

The reality is that most NFP organisations are not utilising vanguard web technologies and have no strategy in place for managing “digital donor journeys”.

It’s also probable that there is little to no connectivity (integration) between back-office donor CRM’s such as Harlequin, DonorFlex or Raiser’s Edge and front-line digital services (your website).

Essentially this means that your CRM is not plugged into your website, making donor tracking across physical and digital interactions challenging and costly, if not impossible.

Often lead by a lack of knowledge, NFP fundraising and marketing teams aren’t aware of the exciting opportunities a more advanced website management system could provide them.

Digital Experience Platforms

Rather than using standard website content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, NFP’s need to explore “digital experience platforms” that offer advanced features such as user tracking, content personalisation and marketing automation. 

Furthermore, by integrating more robust digital experience platforms with their back-office systems, data can be shared and matched between a donor’s online engagement and more traditional data tracking points, in real-time.

This increased insight into donor behaviour empowers NFP fundraising and marketing teams, giving them access to a genuine 360° profile of their supporters. 

Also, by utilising online marketing automation fundraisers can use technology to get more done, provide donors with an enriched experience in much less time, hassle and cost.

The possibilities are endless. Imagine:

  • Profiling your donor databases online activity and digital interactions with you
  • Being notified when a major donor or corporate partner lands on your website
  • Personalising a donor’s online experience:
    • Welcoming them back to your site and thanking them for their continued support
    • Highlighting their total fundraising and donation contributions
    • Promoting events that match that specific donors’ interests
  • Automating a personalised email sequence once a new donor comes on board
  • Automatically sending an email to a donor who hasn’t visited your website for three months
  • Automate follow-up emails to those that have not completed an event sign-up or online donation (referred to as shopping cart abandonment)
  • Not having to process data from online contributions to your donor CRM manually

These are just a few examples of the possibilities available to NFP fundraising and marketing teams that want to improve online revenue generation and reform operational performance.

If you would like to find out more about the opportunities an integrated digital experience platform can offer your NFP organisation, then speak with us today.

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