Integrating Raiser’s Edge to your website | Dreamscape Solutions

New Website Launches with Raiser’s Edge Integration

We’re excited to announce a new innovative technology that has been part of one of our new client website builds.

We spoke to Neil, our .Net Developer who built the cutting-edge component that charities can now benefit from.

Q: What is the Raiser’s Edge integration you have built?

I have built a CRM Wrapper that uses the SKY API from Blackbaud to pass and update data between Raiser's Edge and transform it into objects that can be used in the client’s website.

Q: What does this mean for charities?

We hear from charities that the main problem with data is the time it takes to process. So the development will be a great benefit to charities. The Raiser’s Edge Integration will help charities reduce the hours needed to input and update client records manually.

For example, when a person has donated or registered as a participant in an event. It is compatible with users who favour Raiser’s Edge NXT or Database View. 

Q: How does the integration work? 

The Raiser’s Edge integration comes with many features that will enable users to navigate the site better and allow charity staff to process data and events in a more streamlined way.

When a website visitor makes a donation or registers for an event via the website, this technology means that the data is automatically stored in Raiser’s Edge without human intervention.

Using all fundraising and event information from Raiser’s Edge on a charity’s website is also possible, so their gifts will be stored against the correct campaign, appeal, package and fund. This can be done in real-time, or a custom batch can be created and transferred to Raiser’s Edge before importing it.

It’s possible to manage all website visitors' communication preferences from Raiser’s Edge, regardless of the journey taken before signing up. In addition, every time a user updates their preferences, it will update. There’s also the option to keep an audit of when and where a change was made depending on the channels chosen. 

It will also add relationships once someone donates on behalf of a company or school, even when a group of people or a family registers for an event. As well as adding constituent codes and attributes so you know the user’s journey before they donate or register. 

Each type of donation process can be customised to a charity’s requirements. Whether there’s a need for donation options or different information required from users, the integration allows a personalised form so that charities can ask users further questions. 

Once an event is created in Raiser’s Edge, charities can use all available details on a charity’s website, including event fees and t-shirt sales. So staff can monitor how many people have registered, which tickets and t-shirt sizes have been purchased, and which appeal the fees should be stored in. 

It’s possible to customise various event sign-ups by asking questions relevant to a specific event. That information can then be stored on the constituent or the participant.

For charities with e-commerce functionality, it‘s also possible to create constituents in Raiser’s Edge who have just made a purchase instead of manually transferring their details from another system. 

Q: What else can charities look forward to?

Companies like Blackbaud are releasing new data integration features all the time. So we can offer charities websites with time-saving and data manipulation features allowing them to perform more efficiently. 

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you with your website project, please get in touch by emailing

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