Why you need donorflex's new API module. | Dreamscape Solutions

Why you need donorflex's new API module.

If you didn't already know, donorflex released an API module for their CRM a while ago.

This new functionality opens up significant opportunities for charities to improve operational performance across multiple departments.

This article aims to help you understand the benefits of this new module and why it should be a top priority for your sustainability targets.

What does the API module do?

According to donorflex, their API module allows you to "stream data directly from your 3rd party platform". In practical terms, your website can now connect to donorflex and synchronise constituent data in real time without the need for manual processing.

Why is automating data so important?

Automating data processing duties will save your charity two precious commodities: time and money.

Rather than juggling countless spreadsheets through datastream or, worse still, manually entering data, your charity will benefit from reduced admin overheads while accelerating the speed at which critical donor data flows through your organisation.

How will this save us time and money?

On average, 89% of all gifts received by charities are for small amounts (typically £10) and only generate 9.7% of the total income required to remain sustainable.

The number one factor affecting the positive impact of a typical £10 donation is the time and resources required to process the gift.

By improving the effectiveness of your charity's management of mass-volume, low-value gifts, you'll ensure that more money goes to positive outcomes, which should be the founding pillar of your promise to supporters that you will treat their generosity with care.

If you're unsure about the costs associated with a typical small donation, consider taking the £10 challenge. Track and trace a £10 donation through your website, recording the fees, time, and touchpoints required to fulfil your data management and stewardship duties. Then, consider how much value is left and whether you can improve that figure through automation.

How will this improve supporter experiences?

According to research conducted by Blackbaud's Insight Team, three of the top ten reasons donors stop supporting a charity are:

  1. The donor does not receive a timely thank you.
  2. The donor feels that their involvement was not appreciated.
  3. The donor does not perceive the charity to be effective.

Let's consider the following real-life scenario submitted by a fundraising professional at one of the UK's largest children's hospices:

  • Your major festive fundraising event goes well.
  • Unfortunately, your Data Manager doesn't have time to process the data until they return to work in the New Year.
  • Weeks pass before the data finally lands on donoflex, and you can start sending thank-you stewardship communications.

Like it or not, modern consumers (i.e. your supporters) demand immediacy. Delays in delivering a product or service are considered objectionable and increase the risk of losing their patronage.

Is it acceptable for your supporters to wait for a simple thank you? How can you expect to retain high levels of support if your data processing duties drag out the thanking experience?


Automating menial tasks must become a priority for NFP organisations striving to achieve long-term sustainability. Far too often, charities become preoccupied with increasing income rather than reducing the costs of raising that money.

The new API module from donorflex offers forward-thinking charities a practical way to reduce the time and costs of handling digital donations while improving critical fundraising KPIs such as retention.

Carefully overseen by the team at donorflex, Dreamscape has worked tirelessly to create an API integration that handles all forms of online public fundraising. If you would like to witness firsthand the power of donorflex API integration, contact us today.

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