Balancing Strategies: Events vs Donations | Dreamscape Solutions

Balancing Strategies: Events vs Donations

What if you shifted the balance?


Across many of the NFP organisations using hapi, one trend has stood out: donations consistently bring in more than fundraising events. Over the last three months alone, donations have outperformed events by over 1,500% on average.

It's eye-opening to consider the vast amounts of time, money, and resources that go into planning events—gala dinners, charity runs, auctions—all in the name of raising funds. And yet, the numbers are clear: month after month, donations, not events, deliver the bulk of the revenue.

So why aren't donations prioritised just as highly as these events?

The Allure of Events

Events are exciting. They're tangible, community-driven, and offer donors a memorable experience in exchange for their generosity. They provide visibility and engagement and often foster a sense of accomplishment for the organisers and participants. Although they are also resource-intensive, they are critical components of fundraising strategies.

In contrast, donations—especially direct giving or through initiatives like peer-to-peer fundraising—might feel less "glamorous," but they are far more efficient at driving revenue. Our recent analysis of Light Up a Life campaigns and Giving Tuesday efforts showed how digital, donor-driven efforts consistently outpaced event-based fundraising.

Rethinking Fundraising Strategy

This data begs the question: What if you shifted the balance? Imagine what could happen if you put as much focus, creativity, and strategic planning into nurturing donations as you do with events. Peer-to-peer fundraising, for instance, enables a powerful multiplier effect, with 2nd-degree donors becoming a critical part of the ecosystem.

One area where many charities are missing out is in improving the donor experience. A smooth, engaging donation process can make a world of difference. We've seen the impact that streamlined digital experiences—like modern payment methods, automated email receipts, and clear impact statements—can have.

When donors understand where their money is going and can give quickly and securely without hassle, they are more likely to return. Yet, the donation process often receives less investment and attention compared to events. Imagine if the same effort that goes into designing event experiences was poured into optimising and personalising donation experiences.

Our hapi customers see such high donation numbers because they have focused on optimising the donation process. With hapi's efficient and effective checkout system, donors can give quickly and securely without any unnecessary friction. When the experience is this seamless, it encourages repeat donations and fosters stronger relationships with supporters.

Balancing the Equation

This isn't to say that events should be abandoned. They're crucial for brand building, donor retention, and engagement. But as we move into a more data-driven, digital-first fundraising landscape, it's time to reconsider where we allocate resources.

NFPs can maximise their impact by blending the best of both worlds—high-impact donations and well-executed events. By investing in better donation processes, organisations can ensure the donation experience is as smooth and compelling as attending a flagship event.

The question is, how can you better align your strategies to reflect the actual results?

Are you putting your energy into what truly drives impact?

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